7) Observer design pattern(Publish/Subscribe) :- This pattern
falls under behavioral design pattern. This pattern defines a
one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object state
is change then all of its dependents are notified and updated
automatically. In this pattern the objects that listen or watch for
change are called observers and the object that is being watched for
is called subject. It is mainly used to implement distributed event
handling systems. Most of the programming libraries and system
including GUI toolkits have implemented this design pattern.
As per GOF:- “Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so
that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified
and updated automatically.”
Observer design pattern in Real World:- Most of the time, we
have used online shopping, so whenever we searched for any product
and suppose at that point of time it is not available then there is
an option available i.e. "Notify me when product is available".
If we will choose that option then whenever that product is available
then we will get notification by mail or sms(Here when product is
available means product state changes then we will get notification).
In this case, Product is subject and we are observers.
Similarly in facebook, If we subscribe someone then whenever new
updates raises by him then we will get notification.
Observer design pattern in Java :-
implementations of java.util.EventListener (Used in Swings)
When we can use
subject doesn't know about number of observers it has.
one object changes its state,then all other dependent objects must
automatically change their state to maintain consistency
an object should be able to notify other objects without knowing who
objects are.
8) State design
pattern:- This
type of behavioral design pattern provides a mechanism to change
behavior of an object based on the object’s state. State is used
when we need a class to behave differently, such as performing
slightly different computations, based on some arguments passed
through to the class. In this pattern, we create objects which
represent various states and a context object whose behavior varies
as its state object changes.
per GOF:- “Allows an object to alter its behaviour when its
internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.”
design pattern in real world:-
As we know, A vending machine is a machine which dispenses items such
as snacks, beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets, cologne,
consumer products and even gold and gems to customers automatically,
after the customer inserts currency or credit into the machine. So
this vending machines maintain its internal state which allow it to
change it's behaviour depends on situation. For example, if there is
no change available, it will demand exact currency. When something is
out of stock, it will not deliver any product.
example is a drawing program like MSPaint where the program has a
mouse cursor, which at any point in time can act as one of several
tools. like eraser, pensil e.t.c. So, instead of switching between
multiple cursor objects, the cursor maintains an internal state
representing the tool currently in use. When a tool-dependent method
is called (say, as a result of a mouse click), the method call is
passed on to the cursor's state.
design pattern in Java :-
9)Strategy design pattern:- This
behavioral pattern is also known as policy
An object controls which of a family of methods is called. Each
method is in its' own class that extends a common base class. The
Strategy pattern help us to build a software as a loosely coupled
collection of interchangeable parts which makes our software much
more extensible, maintainable, and reusable.
strategy pattern tells do the below things
defines a family of algorithms,
each one(algorithm), and
makes the algorithms interchangeable within that family.
best example of Strategy pattern is Collections.sort() method that
takes Comparator parameter. Based on the different implementations
of Comparator interfaces, the Objects are getting sorted in different
Strategy design pattern:-
(strategies) are chosen at runtime.
Strategy is dynamically selected by a client i.e. a user or
consuming program or by the Context.
or controller class is typically named as Context.
Context class is aware of a variety of different algorithms, and
each algorithm is considered as a Strategy. The Context class is
responsible for handling the data during the interaction with the
per GOF:- “Defines
a set of encapsulated algorithms that can be swapped to carry out a
specific behaviour.”
an alternative to subclassing.
multiple conditional statements in a client.
be used to hide data that an algorithm uses that clients shouldn't
know about.
complex, algorithmic-specific data from the client.
design pattern in real world:- In
many applications we are saving the files in different formats like:
doc format(Ms-Word), ODT(OpenOffice), RTF, HTML, plain text.
files using different compression algorithms by different application
like winzip, winrar, 7Zip e.t.c.
calendars, with different holidays for different countries.
Strategy design
pattern in Java:-
executed by among others Collections#sort().
the service() and all doXXX() methods take HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse and the implementor has to process them (and not
to get hold of them as instance variables!).
Template method design pattern:- This
design pattern also fall under behavioural design pattern. In the
template method design pattern, the 'template method' defines the
common steps of an algorithm. The implementation of these steps can
be deferred based on subclasses. Thus, the common algorithm is
defined in the template method, but the exact steps of this algorithm
can be defined in subclasses and the template method is implemented
in an abstract class.
per GOF:- “Defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method,
deferring some steps to subclasses. Template Method lets subclasses
redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the
algorithms structure.”
to use: -
we have a predefined steps for algorithm but implementation of those
steps may vary.
we want to avoid code duplication,implementing common code in base
class and variation in subclass.
Template method
design pattern in real world:-
Making of every automobile and machines are based on some template
pattern. Basic building plans because a different building may have
many variations. For creating any framework, we need to use this
design pattern in order to remove code duplication.
Template method
design pattern in Java:-
all the doXXX() methods by default sends a HTTP 405 "Method Not
Allowed" error to the response. We are free to implement none
or any of them.
non-abstract methods of java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream,
java.io.Reader and java.io.Writer.
non-abstract methods of java.util.AbstractList,
java.util.AbstractSet and java.util.AbstractMap.
Visitor design pattern:- This
pattern falls under behavioral design pattern. This pattern is used
when we have to perform an operation on a group of similar kind of
Objects. Using this design pattern, we can move the operational logic
from the objects to another class. This pattern is providing a way of
separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it
operates. A practical result of this separation is the ability to add
new operations to existing object structures without modifying those
As of GOF:- “Allows for one or more operation to be applied
to a set of objects at runtime, decoupling the operations from the
object structure. ”
Visitor design pattern in Real world:- Visitor pattern is a
design pattern commonly used in the parser of a compiler, such as
Eclipse JDT AST Parser.
Visitor design pattern in Java:-
javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror and TypeVisitor
javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue and AnnotationValueVisitor
javax.lang.model.element.Element and ElementVisitor
When the classes defining the object structure changes rarely, but
we often want to define new operations over the structure. (If the
object structure classes change often, then it's probably better to
define the operations in those classes.)
When many distinct and unrelated operations need to be performed on
objects in an object structure, and we don't want to spoil their
classes with these operations
When an object structure contains many classes of objects with
differing interfaces, and we want to perform operations on these
objects that depend on their concrete classes
Adding new operations is easy
Related behavior isn't spread over the classes defining the object
structure; it's localized in a visitor. Unrelated sets of behavior
are partitioned in their own visitor subclasses.
Difference between Visitor and Strategy pattern:-
Visitor and strategy looks similar as they encapsulates complex logic
from data. We can say that Visitor design pattern is more general
form of strategy. In Strategy design pattern we have one context on
which multiple algorithms operate means in Strategy pattern we have a
single context and multiple algorithms work on it. But on the other
way Visitor design pattern have multiple contexts and for every
context we have an algorithm.
In short, We can generalize that Strategy is a special kind of
Visitor, In strategy we have one data context and multiple algorithms
while in visitor for every data context, one algorithm associated
with that.