Monday 3 August 2015

Visitor Design Pattern Implementation

Visitor Design Pattern

Question : - What is Visitor Design Pattern?
Answer : - This design pattern also falls under Behavioral design pattern. Using this design pattern, we can move the operational logic from the objects to another class. This pattern is providing a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. This visitor pattern is used to simplify operations on groupings of related objects.

As of GOF:-Allows for one or more operation to be applied to a set of objects at runtime, decoupling the operations from the object structure.

Benefits : -

Adding new operatios are easy because if the logic of operation changes, then we need to make change only in the visitor implementation rather than doing it in all the item classes.
Visitors can gather state as they visit each element in the object structure. Without a visitor, this state would have to be passed as an extra arguments to the operations that perform the traversal.

Disadvantage : -
During design period of application, we should know the return type of visit() methods otherwise
we will have to change the interface and all of its implementations.
If there are many implementations of visitor interface then extending that class is not a easy task.

For more information on Visitor design pattern please refer to the below link

In the below example, we will see the implementation of the Visitor design pattern

package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public interface BodyPart {
public void accept(BodyPartVisitor bodyPartVisitor);

package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class Body implements BodyPart{
private BodyPart[] bodyParts;
public Body(){
bodyParts = new BodyPart[] {new Eye(), new Heart(), new Kidney()};
  public void accept(BodyPartVisitor bodyPartVisitor) {
     for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.length; i++) {


package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public interface BodyPartVisitor {
public void visit(Body body);
public void visit(Eye eye);
public void visit(Heart heart);
public void visit(Kidney kidney);

package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class Eye implements BodyPart{

public void accept(BodyPartVisitor bodyPartVisitor) {


package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class Heart implements BodyPart{

public void accept(BodyPartVisitor bodyPartVisitor) {


package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class Kidney implements BodyPart {

public void accept(BodyPartVisitor bodyPartVisitor) {


package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class FullBodyScanner implements BodyPartVisitor{

public void visit(Body body) {
System.out.println("Scanning Body");
public void visit(Eye eye) {
System.out.println("Scanning Eye");

public void visit(Heart heart) {
System.out.println("Scanning Heart");

public void visit(Kidney kidney) {
System.out.println("Scanning Heart");


package com.gaurav.designpattern.visitor;
 * @author Gaurav
public class VisitorDesignPatternDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
BodyPart body = new Body();
body.accept(new FullBodyScanner());


Scanning Eye
Scanning Heart
Scanning Kidney
Scanning Body

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