Monday, 3 September 2018

String Manipulation Utilities

Various String Manipulation Utilities

* Checks whether the first character of a string is an alphabetic character.
* @param sString
* @return
public static boolean IsAlpha(String sString){
return Character.isAlphabetic(sString.charAt(0));

* Checks whether the first character of a string is a digit.
* @param sString
* @return
public static boolean IsDigit(String sString){
return Character.isDigit(sString.charAt(0));

* Checks whether the first character of a string is a space.
* @param sString
* @return
public static boolean IsSpace(String sString){
return Character.isSpace(sString.charAt(0));

* Replicates a string to the specified number of times.
* @param sOrig
* @param iCopies
* @return
public static String Replicate(String sOrig, int iCopies){
String repeated = null;
if(iCopies == 0){
repeated = sOrig;
repeated = new String(new char[iCopies]).replace("\0", sOrig);
return repeated;

* Returns the position of the specified substring.
* @param sSubstr
* @param sTarget
* @return
public static int StrPos(String sSubstr, String sTarget){
return (sTarget.indexOf(sSubstr) + 1);

* A function which returns the position of the specified substring counting from right direction.
* @param sSubstr
* @param sTarget
* @param bBackward
* @return
public static int StrPos(String sSubstr, String sTarget, boolean bBackward){
int pos = 0;
if(bBackward == true)
pos = (sTarget.lastIndexOf(sSubstr) + 1);
pos = (sTarget.indexOf(sSubstr) + 1);
return pos;

For example:

String text = "one and two and three";

System.out.println(StringManipulationUtils.StrPos("and", text, false));

It prints : 5

System.out.println(StringManipulationUtils.StrPos("and", text, true));

It prints : 13

* Searches for and replaces characters in a string.
* @param sOrig
* @param sSearch
* @param sReplace
* @return
public static String StrTran(String sOrig, String sSearch, String sReplace){
return sOrig.replaceAll(sSearch, sReplace);

For example:

String text = "one and two and three";

System.out.println(StringManipulationUtils.StrTran(text, "and", "&"));

It prints : one & two & three

  * Inserts and deletes characters.
* @param sOrig
* @param iPos
* @param iLen
* @param sReplace
* @return
public static String Stuff(String sOrig, int iPos, int iLen, String sReplace){
StringBuilder strBuild = new StringBuilder(sOrig);

if(null != sReplace && sReplace.length() == 0)
strBuild.replace(iPos - 1, sOrig.length(), sReplace);

if(iLen == 0){
strBuild.insert(iPos - 1, sReplace);

if(iLen == sReplace.length()){
strBuild.replace(iPos - 1, sOrig.length(), sReplace);

if(sReplace.length()< iLen){
strBuild.replace(iPos - 1, iLen, sReplace);

if(iLen >= sOrig.length()){
strBuild.replace(iPos - 1, sOrig.length(), sReplace);

return strBuild.toString();

For example: - 

String s3 = "hello there";

System.out.println(StringManipulationUtils.Stuff(s3,7,0,"OUT "));

It prints : hello OUT there


It prints : hello WORLD


It prints : hello


It prints : HERE there


It prints : WELCOME

* Returns a substring.
* @param sString
* @param iPos
* @param iLen
* @return
public static String SubStr(String sString, int iPos, int iLen){
return sString.substring(iPos - 1,  (iPos - 1) + iLen);

For Example:-

String sText = "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?";

System.out.println(StringManipulationUtils.SubStr(sText, 23, 9));

It prints : woodchuck

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