Sunday 13 September 2020

OAuth2.0 Tutorial - PART - 7


Executing the Application and Look for the results


Step 1:- In Authorisation, First set type = Basic Auth, then in username and password -> pass the client_id and client_secret.

Step -2, Set the POST parameters in Body like below and hit the send button will receive the response like below.

Note : The grant_type Password is used by first-party clients to exchange a user's credentials for an access token.


Use the access token to get the list of employees which is available in the Database.

URL - http://localhost:9595/emps/employee?access_token=66331215-ab80-4241-acd6-e48971f73b6c


Use the refresh token to get the new access token like below, pass the refresh_token and corresponding values received from step 1.

URL - http://localhost:9595/oauth/token

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